athwbx.sys: dealing with Blue Screen Of Death in Windows 8

What causes BSOD in athwbx.sys

In this short entry I will show how you can possibly deal with the problem of Windows crashing with a blue screen of death and a message saying SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED related to file athwbx.sys.

Athwbx.sys is a file containing Driver for Qualcomm Atheros CB42/CB43/MB42/MB43 Network Adapter. Device drivers are sometimes allowed to ran in a kernel mode – an operating mode of a computer that has more privileges than ordinary program. This allows drivers to do their job, but also pose a threat that poorly written driver will cause computer to crash in a way that will take whole operating system down (showing user only blue screen with error).


SharePoint 2013: create completely blank page

From time to time you might want to create a completely blank page in SharePoint. I found myself in this situation e.g. when the business requirement was to create a customizable SharePoint page that is to be displayed in a popup window or an iframe, and it should not contain any navigation, branding, breadcrumbs or ribbon.

The easy approaches I can see are:

1) Create “blank” MasterPage

You might create a blank MasterPage, which will hide some placeholders on a server side (so there’s less markup sent to a browser), and add some CSS styles to hide the other components (e.g. ribbon which is not placed in any placeholder).

SharePoint: list running timer jobs (C#)

Role of the timer jobs in SharePoint

Timer jobs are a convenient way to perform background tasks in SharePoint. Writing custom jobs for our solution lets us define job schedule and report progress using a simple API. When the job definition is added to a farm (e.g. from solution code, usually on a feature activation event receiver), we can also manage the job and monitor progress of the running jobs in Central Administration (http://server-name/_admin/ServiceJobDefinitions.aspx).

A look at the architecture

The process that is responsible for executing timer jobs is OWSTimer.exe. Jobs can be associated with either an Web application or Service Application. If you need more information about the architecture and internals of this part of SharePoint, be sure to check the article by Veena Sarda [1].

Element HTML5 TIME w mikroformatach

Rozwiązując problemy z danymi strukturalnymi strony w narzędziu Google Structured Data Tool zauważyłem pewien niuans, który może pomoże niektórym zrozumieć problemy z datami w mikroformatach.

Czym są mikroformaty

Dla przypomnienia — mikroformaty są jednym ze sposobów oznaczania danych na stronach HTML, które pomagają różnym automatom (np. robotom indeksującym wyszukiwarki) lepiej zrozumieć charakter danych na stronie i wykorzystać tę wiedzę do sprawniejszego działania, lub poprawienia doświadczeń użytkownika. Przykładowo, mikroformat hCalendar obsłużony przez przeglądarkę może ułatwić dodanie opisywanego wydarzenia do kalendarza czytelnika jednym kliknięciem, a hReview wyświetlić gwiazdki przy Twojej recenzji już w wynikach wyszukiwania Google. Mikroformaty bazują na atrybucie class elementów HTML. Opis konwencji znajduje się na stronie